Thankful that Chrissie is hanging in there so beautifully. Still a long way to go, but no sudden emergencies today for the first time in 11 days! Thankful that Chrissie's sats, blood gasses, heart rate, blood pressure and all that they check on a constant basis have ALL stayed within an acceptable range!!! Thankful that Chrissie's lungs haven't gotten any worse according to x-ray. Thankful that her CO2 level was the lowest it's been in 2 days...48!!! (34-45 is considered normal) Thankful that they were able to successfully insert a feeding tube into Chrissie's intestines to stimulate the intestinal "villi" so that she doesn't have "gut" issues later. (So far, so good with the liquid intestinal feedings.) Thankful that our princess hasn't had anymore panic attacks today. Thankful that I was able to "fix" our princess' hair today, and that her night shift nurse and day nurse both cleaned her up and got a lot of blood and yuckiness off of her body and back and neck. (Still a ton of dried blood in Chrissie's hair, but I was able to get a lot of it out!) Thankful that Chrissie was able to lay on her side today to help alleviate bed sores and other issues that arise with lying on one's back for 11 days straight. Thankful that our baby girl is here and fighting with all her heart to claim LIFE, His life. Thankful that our God answers prayers and makes His presence so strong. Thankful that He wraps His arms around us and holds us during the good times and the hard times. So thankful for the precious life of our sweet angel. Thanks be to God!
Thankful that 3 different deliveries of goodies and prayers were delivered to the hospital today:
- A group of women from our church and our church's Mother's Day Out program (which we are not even a part of!) put together a huge thankful "spread" of all sorts of homemade baked goodies for the nursing staff at the hospital as well as a basket full of goodies for Matt and I. The nursing staff came by to tell us to thank our friends for all of the amazing treats! They were seriously grateful and giddy...seriously! We are loving our basket of goodies. Being loved on is such a blessing during this time. Thanks be to God!
- A fellow adoptive mom who I've never met dropped by Rudy's BBQ for Matt and I early this afternoon! She said she felt like God told her to bless us with a meal, and what a yummy treat and special surprise from a sweet mom who brought her 3 young children to a hospital filled with germs just to bless us. Thanks be to God!
- Another adoptive mom, again who I've never met before, dropped by this evening to deliver a home-made chicken fajita salad with home-made brownies for Matt and I. This woman said she was reading our blog right here in SA, and she heard God say, "Quit reading her blog you little stalker. Get down there and do something to help this family...NOW." :-) Gotta love God! This mom set up a Care Calendar for our family to have a meal brought to Matt and I every day at the hospital for a month!!! She and her husband are also paying for an RV spot at a local campground for our family so that we can bring our other kiddos to SA often to hang out as a family. She's also soliciting donations on our behalf to bless us with Seaworld passes so that we can take our kids to do fun things and have some "normalcy" amongst the separation and anxiety of Chrissie's hospitalization. Thanks be to God!
Our gift basket.
Some of the nursing staff LOVING the goodies that filled the entire table!
Thankful for the continuous prayers, encouragement, help and support of so many faithful prayer warriors around the world, lovin' on us from near and far. We are blessed. Thanks be to God!

Just sitting here tearing up sharing in your thanksgiving and joy. May your beautiful Serbian sensation be playing at your ranch soon, and may she continue to be a testimony of God's power and lovingkindness.
-Susan in NC
Praising God every step of the way with you!!!
Praying with you!!
I am in awe of God's miracles for Chrissie! She looks darling with her tierra on and bows in her hair. I have to say that I have never prayed around the clock for someone (sad huh?) but Chrissie has been in my thoughts and prayers when I wake up in the middle of the night, on my drive to and from work, during my lunch break, bedtime and several moments all throughout my day. You are right that God has used Chrissie to speak volumes of his blessings on us and his desire for us to turn to him. He loves Chrissie so much and we all have fallen in love with her too. I thank you and your precious Chrissie for showing me what the power of prayer can do! God Bless you and PRAISE GOD for blessing us all with Chrissie!
I could cry when I look at the picture with the princess crown on.
She looks beautiful with her hair done, by her mama's loving hands.
Oh, what this sweet girl has had to endure.
Rudy's is an awesome treat! Especially their creamed corn. My family lives in Indiana but we feel blessed that so many have been able to help your family in many many ways. We will continue to offer prayers for sweet sweet Chrissie!
I wanted to come and bring you something, but since I've never commented on your blog or met you, it felt very stalkerish. Dr. Kuperschmidt was my daughters heart surgeon (surgery this past December) and although I knew Chrissie was in good hands I've been praying for you. I'm glad everything is looking up for you and her.
The picture with the princess crown just about did me in. She is so precious. Praying and praying and praying some more. Love you all! Amy
So happy to hear you have had a calm day today. Your princess is looking beautiful in her ribbons and tiara--what a blessing. Glad to hear you are being well taken care of by people in the area--again what a blessing.
Thank you for keeping us updated these past few days--I don't know how you did it with so much happening--you're an amazing writer.
I'm keeping you all in my prayers daily.
May God grant you peace.
Lorraine & Matt,
I just wanted to tell you that it was a blessing to stop by your house this evening and see Mattie, Meribeth, Parker, Kiefer, and Stephanie. There is a wonderful sense of peace and God's presence there in your home. Though I know you miss them all terribly, I just wanted you to know that He's there watching over them all...(and I'm so glad that you're going to get to see them all again soon!).
Tell the little "Boss" that we're still praying constantly for her--even on the good days. God has really laid it on my heart to pray for any neurological issues. I know that He heals brains as well as hearts!!
Lee Ann Linam
Praise God, I am so grateful your day was blessed with some sort of peace!! And Chrissie looks beautiful!!!
Kathie in NY
Loved seeing the pictures of Chrissie tonight. What a special princess of God!
Good night sweet Chrissie. I will say my prayers before bed and when I wake up to read that you have had a great nights rest.
Your mommy did a great job on your hair, you look absolutely beautiful.
Always and forever in my prayers.
Thankful with you both!
Rest well tonight - that is my prayer for you all!
Love and hugs,
So many things to praise God for! She looks beautiful, you did a great job getting her hair fixed. What a sweet angel. It's so wonderful to hear she was able to roll over on her side to give her backside some relief, and that so many people have come forth and blessed you with food and gifts! We are all continuing to pray, and as someone else had posted, I have certainly learned what it means to pray without ceasing!
It's great also to hear how God has blessed his faithful servants, and how positive and faith-filled your blog posts are when many of us would be deep in despair and thinking negatively.
You all are the perfect family for Chrissie - God couldn't have found or picked anyone better! There is so much love and faith surrounding you from so many prayers around the world, I feel sure it's palpable.
I'm thanking God for your "Thankful Thursday" Love and Prayers from KY!!
Dear Mrs. Patterson,
My whole family has been praying for Chrissie and watching your blog constantly.
I feel like I am supposed to give you this verse today, and hope that you will pray it over Chrissie:
"...and he went to where the child was. he took her by the hand. Then he said to her, 'Talitha koum!' This means, 'Little girl I say to you, get up!'"
This is in Mark 5:41.
Blessings and love to you and your whole family!
McKennaugh Marie, age 13
I am in the youth at hays hills... I heard about chrissie one morning in a service and i just wanted to let you and your family know i am praying for chrissie and for yall to be strong ans a family. I also wanted to thank you for posting this blog. I havebeen asking God to show me his works and I read this blog almost every day and I truly feel God Wonders. I will continue to pray and keep her in my thoughts.
i woke up this morning and was laying in bed thinking and praying for you guys and Chrissie... i realized it was Thursday already and i prayed that tonight you would post "Thankful Thursday"... and here it is!!!! PRAISING THE LORD with you
yet, continuing to PRAY for Chrissie's COMPLETE healing and restoration!!!!!
to God be the glory!!!!
love from Oregon,
What a joy to read this update. Chrissie looks beautiful. I'm looking forward to reading more updates like this one. Praying for continued healing.
Oh Lorraine! She is so beautiful! I am continuing to pray and I'm simply amazed at your faith! It's been so cool to see God work and bring us to our knees for little Chrissie...:)
Thank you for blessing our family with the self-less, God glorifying testimonies and "thanksgivings" you share with us daily. It takes a special servant of the Lord to broadcast His testimony so that all the nations can know His love and power. Our family has grown closer to the Lord during the last 12 days, praying around the clock for Princess Chrissie, even our 3 year old, Annabelle. She told me this morning that when Chrissie got better she wanted to play dress up with her and share her Sleeping Beauty dress with her. We are looking forward to that day! Until then, since we are your neighbors, please tell us how we can help....bring a meal to your family, transport your children, bring them here to play...just name it!
In His Love, The Behrhorst Family
After telling Lily about what's going on with Chrissie now and showing her Chrissie's pictures (especially the one with the tiara,) Lily said she's not ready for Chrissie to go to Heaven. She wants her to come home so Lily can have a sleep-over with her and they can play dress-up and try on different tiaras. Lily doesn't want Chrissie to be sick anymore and is praying praying praying for her. We all are. Love you all, Patti
We've been praying for Chrissie all day. This is the first moment since midday that we've been able to get to a computer. SO reveling in God's glory right now!!! We will continue to send petitions up to our Heavenly Father as each day goes by. We will continue to wake at night to pray...actually God wakes me :). PRAYING!!!!
I continue to be floored at God's AMAZING provision!
God, oh Father, how I am tempted to want to barter with you!
But You have proven Yourself TIME AND AGAIN to be faithful and GOOD.
You love Chrissy more than we ever could...even with all our human hearts put together. I will not stop asking, BEGGING You to heal her HERE and let her dance again with her Daddy. But I will not barter with You. Because You are sovereign. And Your plans reign.
I will simply stop now and PRAISE YOU for You are holy and awesome and WONDERFUL!
Thank You Lord that in Your mercy, YOU CHOSE US. YOU CHOSE ME. YOU CHOSE Lorraine and Matt for Chrissy. You did not make any mistakes. You are holding Chrissy and ministering to her as You heal her. And You are using this sleeping princess to captivate hearts and turn them back to YOU.
I will praise You oh God.
For YOU alone are worthy!
We have been praying for you guys since Chrissie went in for her first surgery. We are also another family who has adopted a child with a special need. Our little ones SN doesn't even compare to what Chrissie has been through. I check you blog several times a day to see what is happening with you & your family. Our family is lifting you all up in pray several times a day. God Bless you all!
Hope you have a wonderful, CALM weekend.
In our prayers- The Williams Family
These were the first pictures of Chrissie that I didn't want to cry looking at them!! She looks so sweet with her hair in cute purple bows!! She finally looked peaceful. Praise God!! Miss you, but can't wait until tomorrow!
Mattie Patterson
WOW- so awesome! Praising God with you and praying for continued healing, and for your whole family to be able to spend time enjoying each other even through this very tough time. What a Blessing the Body of Christ is! That is amazing. PRAYING FOR YOU ALL!
So thankful for a good day! Keeping up the prayers!
We are rejoicing with you and praying continuously for Chrissie and your entire family.
I wish I could hop on a plane and come sit with you and pray with you. Honestly, though, all I could offer you is a hug and then I'd probably just start crying and need you to hug me.
We are looking forward to God's Fabulous Friday miracles for Chrissie.
All I can say is "Praise you, Jesus! Praise you Jesus!". You really should write this in a book. It's absolutely been "Chicken Soup for MY Soul". I'm a public school teacher and I learned this morning that I need to read your blog WAY before school or after if I don't want students asking me, "Why are you crying??". Chrissy's story is truly amazing and an awesome testimony of how GREAT our God is!! Thank you SO much for sharing this journey with all of us. I have never met you, (but we are sisters in Christ.) I had HUGE tears last night as my husband and I were praying for Chrissy. I was so scared to read your blog this morning, but it was the best news I think I've EVER heard! Your cardiologist going to Nineveh! Only God could orchestrate THAT! Amazing!! Again, thank you so much for sharing Chrissy's story!! What a blessing she is! I'll continue to pray and tell EVERYONE I know to do so too!
In Him,
Thanks for the new pictures. She looks so peaceful (if that can be with all the tubes :). Praying for a steady recovery and God's mighty power!
Praying! May you abide in His peace and love.
-Misty in TX
How BLESSED you have been by people stepping in with tangible ways of saying I Love You.
Wondering what RV Park your family will be at. On our Road Trip last fall (when we met the Blocks) we also spent several days in SA, and stayed at the KOA there.
How wonderful that people are bringing you meals at the hospital, and blessing the staff, as well with the homemade goodies.
Laurel :)
I have been coming by every day to see how your little Serbian princess is doing. Praise God she is a fighter! I continue to pray for her, her amazing medical staff and her awesome family!
PS: I lived in SA a few years back...could go for some Rudy's brisket right about now! DC has no clue about good Texas BBQ! :o)
I just started reading your blog...I have to say that I am in tears and in awe of God's amazing love and answers to prayer. I feel so convicted that my faith is so small and inadequate. I have been in the valley for quite a while now and felt that God was distant, not hearing me, all of the above. Then, last night we had an answer to prayer and now I am reading your blog about Beautiful Chrissy. There are no words to express how my spirit feels woken up as you describe her battle for life. I will be praying for her with renewed sense of purpose and FAITH. I believe that She WILL RUN AND JUMP AND PLAY AGAIN AS A HAPPY 4YR old should!! I will go home and thank God for my precious blessings and repent for all my grumbling and moaning. Thank you for sharing your daughter's precious story. I will be praying.
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