Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chrissie is doing well with her sats, but she's having more pain now. I think she's building up a tolerance with the pain meds. She's also metabolizing through the sedatives and pain meds rapidly, but increases in meds drop her blood pressure too low. I am leaving for the first time in I don't know how long (I left for a few hours last Friday), and my mom, Chrissie's Nana, is staying by Chrissie's side while I enjoy some time with our other kiddos.

You probably won't hear much from me today, unless there's an emergency prayer need. Please pray for Chrissie to be pain-free and as comfortable as possible. Also pray that she'll remember and trust that Mommy will never leaave her! (That's always been a huge worry for Chrissie since she was abandoned by her birth mother at the hospital when she was a baby.) pray for Chrissie's lungs to heal and no infection.

And thank you all so much for your outpourings of donations to our family. You all amaze me and are blessing us in so many ways. Indescribable gratitude. Thank you!

This message is sent to you via the blessing of Lorraine's cell phone. :-)