Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Here's what my 12-year-old daughter, Mattie, emailed to me tonight at 11:32PM, in an email with the subject line entitled "Lonely":
"It just occured to me as I was praying how lonely you must be. We all have eachother here and are always saying how much we miss you. But you're there with no one and missing us the same way we miss you but times 5! I wish so bad that someone could be with you. Just know that not having anyone there will force you to rely on God as your only friend, which will draw you two closer, a win win situation! I love you so much and please email me if you feel bored or lonely. I sound like a mom! Love you SOOOOOOO much!!!! :D"

The Lord knows how to bless my heart.  Seriously.  When I saw the subject line of my daughter's email, which was entitled "Lonely", I was a little worried about reading it because I wasn't sure I would be able to do anything to help Mattie feel less lonely while I'm at the hospital and she's at home.  Huh.  Who'da thought that my daughter would be writing to tell me that she's concerned that I'M the lonely one.  Only my God could bless me with children who are more concerned about ME than they are about themselves.  He's good like that, ya know?

Oh.my.word.  I am beyon blessed to be the mother of the children God has chosen specifically for ME.  He sure did know how to bless my heart.  He's good like that, ya know? 

And, just incase you're wondering, I'm not lonely.  Mattie is exactly right.  I have God right here holding my hand.  Always.  During the highs and during the lows.  He's right here beside me.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.  He's good like that, ya know?

And, not only is God here with me, but I feel like all of you are here with me, too.  God has surrounded me with hundreds of new friends who are faithfully praying for Chrissie, me, our family, Stephanie and her girls, our ranch, the medical staff...you name it, my friends are on it!  And all of you "talk" to me every day with your sweet words of encouragement and share your thoughts and prayers with me.  Such a sweet fellowship with my siblings in Christ.  Still amazed at how many prayer warriors God has called to battle on behalf of our precious princess.  He's good like that, ya know?

And God even sends someone by every day to deliver meals to me!  Sometimes people I've never even met before who just show up to drop things off to bless me.  Always orchestrated by God.  He's good like that, ya know?

So, just thought I'd take a minute to let you all know that I'm not lonely.  I've got my God, my precious princess, the nurses and doctors, and sweet friends who pray for me, send me messages, and some who God even sends by here to drop in and send a face-to-face blessing.  He's good like that, ya know?