I have not yet seen Dr. Porisch or Dr. Kupferschmid (I think they're in a case this morning), so I don't have any more reports at this time. Some of you have asked about Chrissie having a tracheotomy instead of being intubated, but it's my understanding that trachs are only done on patients who need long-term ventilator support, and they're not thinking Chrissie will need this long-term. I plan to ask about it again today to make sure that I'm understanding correctly.
I have not heard anything about "E" yet this morning. Please keep praying for him and his mom.
I was just informed that Dr. Kupferschmid's patient who is being operated on right now is having complications, and the patient may need to be on ECMO, which means that they need the room that Chrissie is in. This is the largest PICU room, and ECMO requires a ton of space because ECMO patients are on so much equipment and have so many people in the room continuously for monitoring everything. This means that Chrissie may be moving to another room, which is a somewhat good sign because it means she's a little more stable, atleast to the point of not needing the space for ECMO equipment! :-)
I was just told that we're for sure changing rooms, so I need to go "undecorate" this room (big job!) and get stuff moved. Gotta run.
Keep praying!