Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quick Morning Update

Chrissie is doing well today, resting peacefully with her new combination of drugs.  She is still on the convential ("normal") ventilator settings, praise the Lord.  Her oxygen sats dropped into the 70's around 9AM, but they suctioned her out and rolled her over to her side, and her sats went back up.  Carbon dioxide is in the 50's just slightly higher than normal, but it was in the 80's last night, so it's much improved.

Be praying that Chrissie's lungs will heal enough to get her completely off the ventilator.  I know she would LOVE to be extubated.  God is healing Chrissie, miraculously, day by day.  So grateful for so many steps forward.  Praising Jehovah Rapha for His healing presence, which is so strong in this room and upon Chrissie's body. 

Keep praying for lungs to be perfectly healed and for no infection.