Genesis 30:13, "Then Leah said, "How happy I am! The women will call me happy." So she named him Asher."
The name Asher means happy, blessed.
We are happy and most blessed to announce the arrival of our newest child, Asher.
Asher is coming to our family from a disrupted adoption situation, with hopes that God will use our family to provide Asher with His healing and a chance to help Asher find the future and hope that God has planned for him.
Asher has been loved deeply by his original adoptive family. They are choosing LIFE for Asher, with hopes that our family will be able to provide hope and healing for Asher. They are trusting our family with faith that God does have a hope and a future planned for Asher, but in finding His perfect plan, they are choosing to let go and let God. This is the hardest decision they've ever had to make, and it is not one that has come easily for them as they have worked for five years to provide Asher with the help and healing he desperately needs. They have come to a decision that they've exhausted all possibilities with Asher, and they are trusting God to bring Asher to a new family who may be able to provide something different for Asher.
We pray that our family will be able to provide this for Asher, through God's grace, wisdom, and strength. And if He so chooses to work through our family with Asher, to God be all the glory. God has already given a piece of our hearts to Asher, and he captured my heart within the first day of being here. God is so amazing like that.
If you have been in a situation where you've had to disrupt an adoption or where you've taken in a child through disrupted adoption, would you please leave a comment of encouragement for Asher's original adoptive family? This is extremely difficult for them, and I cannot imagine being in their shoes.