Monday, November 8, 2010

Adoption Blog Hop

Since November is National Adoption Month, I thought it would be great to connect as many people as possible with a variety of adoption blogs.  What's really neat about the adoption community is the amazing support you'll find.  When most of the world will tell you that you're crazy, you will find unconditional support within the adoption community...probably because their eyes have been opened just as yours have.  It's so wonderful to get connected with a community of people who have a heart for the orphan.

There are so many ways to adopt, so many countries to adopt from, such a variety of stories, variety of many ways to connect, so many families to support, so many stories of encouragement.

I had a reader leave a comment to join the November Adoption Blog Hop, which I had never heard of, but I checked it out and think it's a fun way to connect as we celebrate National Adoption Month.  This is also a great way for those interested in orphan care to easily access a variety of adoption blogs from fostering to foster to adopt to domestic adoption to international adoption to disrupted adoption.  If you have an adoption blog, please join the blog hop below!  (Be sure to share in the description what type of adoption(s) you have experience with so others can quickly find the type of blogs that they're seeking.)

Oh, and in an effort to help those looking for adoption resources, I thought I should point out that there's a tab on our blog that says "Adoption Resources" where you can click to find lots more info on adoption and how you can help orphans.  Just click HERE to visit that page.

Have fun with the adoption blog hop, and I hope the Lord leads you to the blog He most wants you to find as He stirs in His people to care for the orphan and live out James 1:27.

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