We encourage everyone to come out and support the event!
We've got a day of family fun for everyone! We have a HUGE silent auction with over 100 items!!! We have TONS of awesome baked goods, yummy BBQ/food, even cotton candy!!! We have an awesome message to be delivered by a local pastor, we have fantabulous decorations by Carrie Windham (with adorable photos of Chrissie on everything!). We have a HUGE inflatable slide, a HUGE inflatable obstacle course, a 5-in-1 inflatable combo, plus face painting by artist Zoe Windham, creator of the Boss Your Heart logo. We also have Boss Your Heart t-shirts and the Boss Your Heart books for sale! It's going to be an awesome day, despite Satan's attempts to ruin everything.
One thing I've learned is that the closer we walk with God on His path, the more fiery darts Satan throws. At times, it's comical, but other times, it's just plain ole maddening. We are in a constant battle against that evil serpent, but I'm relieved the battle isn't ours, it's His. A battle in the heavenlies. I used to think that if God called us to do something that He would just bless it and make the path easy and everything would come together beautifully without any bumps in the road. I now realize that if that happens to be the way something turns out for us, it probably wasn't something God called us to do in the first place because that means Satan didn't think it was worth messing with. So, we try to count it all as joy when Satan interferes because that means it was "big stuff" that was worth Satan's time, plus God's Word tells us to count it all as joy, so we try to focus on that instead of the frustration.
Here are just a few of over 100 items that will be up for auction tomorrow:
- Antler chandelier, value $2,500
- Assorted jeweled flip-flops, value $50/each
- Hand-made heart with wings jeweled sign, value $80
- Guided bay fishing trip for 4 at Rockport Texas, value $700
- 4 tickets to Round Rock Express game with overnight stay at Homewood Suites, Round Rock, Texas
- jewelry galore
- apparel
- personalized Boss Your Heart gifts and gear
- artwork
- toys, toys, toys!
- gift certificates
- baked goods
- and so much more!!!
- And take a look at these precious princess hand-decorated cookies that say, "Boss Your Heart":
{Thanks, Carrie!}
Spread the word!
Thanks everyone!

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